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  • Rohith Jayawardene's avatar
    Echo Router (#199) · b16d19e4
    Rohith Jayawardene authored
    - shifting over to the echo rather than gin web framework
    - adding the extra dependencies
    - dropped the cors middleware and using the default middles from echo router
    - completely removing gin tonic
    - adding the Renderer implementation
    - loading the templates for the custom pages
    - hooking in the drop for the proxy middleware
    - updating the readme to reflect the changes
    - updating the CHANGELOG to reflect the changes
    - updating the authors file
    - adding the extra test for api errors and drop refresh cookie
    - updated the golang version to v1.8
    - shifting most of the checks into a common testing method makeFakeRequests()
    - fixed the cli parsing for slices, was incorrectly setting the reflected value
    - adding a quick check for the forwarding proxy
    - changed the option log-requests to --enable-logging
    - changed the option --json-format to --enable-json-logging
    - ensure nothing in /oauth is passed to the proxy forwarder. Echo doesnt not run middleware if no
      route is found, so was have to hack this slightly to get it to work
    - removed unrequired elements from the testing code
    - fixed the newTestToken; need to copy the map
    - updated the authors file
    - added test coverage for token refreshing
    - cleaned up some of the code around tests
    - fixed up the checks for the callback endpoint
    - update the kubernetes example files to deployments
    - fixed up the unit tests for the custom claims
    - added 'any|ANY' to the resource definition and expanded the tests